Sunday, September 16, 2012

Scallops with Spinach and Lemony Risotto

Huge, "jumbo" scallops were on sale at the grocery store, and since I was craving seared scallops over risotto anyway, I decided to buy a pound and try cooking them myself. Doing a quick online search, there were several recipes out there that sounded delicious, but I decided on this one because of it's simplicity and step-by-step directions. Here is the link to the blog I found and used. I followed the recipe pretty much exactly, so I won't replicate all the steps here since the blog author did such a great job of writing it!  I did add a couple additional splashes of white wine to the scallops and risotto broth because I like the tart flavor of a dry white to balance out the buttery flavors. I hope you have as much success making this as I did! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jess @ Flying on Jess Fuel said...

Glad you enjoyed this! It's a good one!! =)