Friday, October 26, 2012

Roasted Tomato Soup

This recipe is from Steamy Kitchen's blog (one of my favorites to follow!). I was looking for nutritious soup recipes for my poor hubby who recently had gum surgery. He loves salads and hasn't been able to eat anything crunchy! Since I recently picked up a quart of large, juicy homegrown tomatos from the local farmers' market, this was a good way to use them up. Often in tomato soups, it is turned into a "bisque" by adding cream, and I liked that this one had awesome flavor without all that extra fat. My immersion blender made quick work of the big chunks of veggies without having to transfer the boiling mixture into another appliance for blending.

5 large tomatoes, cut into thick slices
1 onion, cut into 1/2" slices
1 jalapeno, cut in half lengthwise, seeded
2 bell peppers, cut into big chunks
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
1-2 cloves garlic, peeled
salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 cups vegetable broth

Preheat oven to 400F. Spread tomatos, onion, jalapeno, bell peppers and garlic onto large baking sheets. Drizzle or spritz with olive oil until everything is thinly coated. Roast vegetables for 20-30 minutes, until everything is a bit browned and blistered. Take sheets out of the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Scrape all items into a large soup pot then add vegetable broth, paprika, salt and pepper. Use immersion blender to blend all ingredients to a smooth puree. Otherwise, transfer contents of soup pot to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Once soup is blended and back in the soup pot, bring to a simmer for about 10 minutes to let the flavors meld, and adjust seasoning to taste. Serve with grated parmesan cheese if you like, and a thick slice of fresh bread. Makes 4 servings(per serving: 130cals, 7g fat, 13g carbs, 3g protein)

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